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Popham Microlite Trade show - 2023


Popham Microlite trade show was the first time our Microlite Aviation "Fly" trike was out on show to the flying world. It was a great experience and i must say"Hard Work ", but enjoyable. meeting so many great people with the enthusiasim that we have for being able to fly affordably.The aircraft had been tested extensively with great feedback from the various pilots involved, we felt it was ready to be shown off to the wider audience.

Sub70, has been shown to fill the market in a certain area, opening up affordable Flexwing flying to many more pilots, who probably would have been lost to the sport of flying due to the large entry costs of normal flying.

There was a good represenation for the Sub70 Market at the show, Ace Aviation (Touch & Spirit 70 (SPHG, Sub-70kg), Flylight( Peabea/Adam)Fun Flying (Snake) and of course MicroliteAviation (Fly), these stands generated a lot of interest from all who visited.

We were very lucky to have the team from Avian Hangliders including Tim Swaite, based in the Peak district visit our stand with the new "RioT", we already had two "Rio2" wings on the stand built by Avian and great wings to fly on the Trikes.

We fitted the "RioT" wing to the Microlite Aviation Trike, and it was flown by all three of the pilots from the Avian stable, all came back with huge grins. All said they were impressed with the speed ranges and handling of the wing and trike. The wing was recorded has having a cruise of 45 mph, with great handling and docile stall characteristics.

The Pilots were also very positive in what they had to report about the "Fly" trike, comfortable, great brakes, good roll on the turf with the larger wheels and excellent engineering.

All in all it was a great weekend for the team, that made our first show a success. We made a few new friends and recieved an excepionally positive response, to all the hard work (fun) that went into designing this aircraft to this point.

We will also be showing the aircraft of at different venues throughout this flying season, these will be listed on the website as they come up.

We will be at Chirk Airfield for a four day flyin from the 18th May( a bring anything that flies event) so look forward to meeting new people there.

The Microlite Aviation trke and RioT wing in flight

Thank you Popham Airfield and staff for hosting a great event, look forward to seeing you next year.



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